Sunday, September 17, 2017


This character is from a Web Comic called Two Kinds by Tom Fischbach. The colors on the scan came out quite poorly and I ended up spending quite a while trying different things to make the colored pencil look right. In the end I came out with these two pictures. On one I just enhanced the colors (left). The other has the colored regions smudged in to a semi homogenous region, so that the colors would be more even (right).
Who'd'of known a Tigress in a green sweat shirt could be so cute?
I guess Tom Fischabach did.

Man in Shadows

It looks like this guy is wearing sun glasses, but he's not. Since his eyes are in such dark shadow the edges of his face shouldn't be visible. Ah well. It's an interesting sketch.

Fierce Horse

This is a from draw 50 book as well. I feel like I copied quite exactly, but my sharp lines do poor justice to his flowing main. It looks better in the book even though there's nothing explicitly missing.